Social Ministries

OWLS (Older Wiser Laughing Souls)

This ministry is for anyone over 50 who enjoys having fun! We meet for Breakfast the 1st Friday of every month at 8:00 AM. This potluck-style breakfast is hosted in the Fireside Room. We often have additional social get-togethers such as a Game Night, Picnic at Devil's Kitchen, White Elephant Christmas Party, etc. We have a wonderful time; come and join us. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.

Scrapbooking & Crafting

Come out and bring your scrapbook materials and enjoy a night together making and archiving memories. Maybe you're not a scrapbooker, just bring any craft projects (knitting, painting, cards, etc.) and fellowship together. We meet on the 2nd Mondays in the Fireside Room from 6:00-9:00 PM. Also watch the calendar for periodic All-Day Crafting events!